Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm Back!!! Cinnamon Bun Apple Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

So I have been out of commision a long time! I gave up baking for awhile as I seriously needed to cut back on all the sweets! However the baking bug has bitten me again in the form of my new favorite blog the Smitten Kitchen. Seriously check this blog out- its awesome. Deb is the greatest foodie- her witty stories along with her recipes make all her posts endearing and her amazing pictures make me want to bake pretty much everything on the site!
HOwever in this post I am finally posting a cake from the best cookbook of ALL TIME. This is the Magnolia Bakery cookbook. GO out and buy it right now because it is phenomenal. So far everything I have made from it is of course the very greatest thing of all time. For example the cake I am posting about right now: Apple Cake with Butterscotch Cream CHeese Frosting. Now I made my adaptations to this such as I added cinnamon and I used regular cream cheese frosting as I don't really like butterscotch. However my friend Erica and I were talking last night and thought it would be really yummy with Caramel Cream Cheese frosting.
I first made this cake for my younger brother's graduation- I was surprised he chose this cake but I am really happy that he did. I had never made a cake with fruit before and it was a really good choice. So on Sunday, when my friend Bryana came in and asked me to bake for her, I ran to Food Emporium in a down pour to get apples for this recipe!
It tastes like the most delicious cinnamon bun ever because it is rich and creamy and the apples and cinnamon are an amazing touch. When I made it on Sunday, I topped it with chopped Walnuts- such a good call- it added another taste and texture to the cake and looked nice too- especially considering we were ina hurry to eat it and the layers had not completely cooled- this resulted in the frosting slightly melting into the cake- it still tasted wonderful but it did not look so great hahaha.
So go make this cake! I know its bikini season- trust me I have some good healthy recipes a-coming to help this! But its always ok for a splurge and this is the perfect summer party cake!
Also check out Smitten Kitchen!!